When Should I go to physiotherapy?
Get the right advice on when to see a Physio
It’s a frequent fallacy that you only need to see an Allied Health physical therapist for sports injuries, exercises or when you’re recovering from surgery. However, physiotherapists also treat with patients who have a variety of flexibility and posture problems. Patients should see their physiotherapists for assistance if they want to take preventative measures to maintain good overall health.
People frequently ask their doctors when exactly they should visit a physiotherapist in light of all these circumstances. In this post, we’ll talk about several symptoms your body may display when you require physiotherapy as well as what a good physio can do for you.
What is the job of a physiotherapist? Do I need to be in pain or have movement issues to see a Physio?
Prior to knowing when to consult a physiotherapist, it is crucial to understand what a physiotherapist does in practice and what advice they give.
Generally speaking, physiotherapy examines, diagnoses, and then develops a recovery or rehabilitation plan in order to promote, maintain, and aid in the restoration of bodily health. Physiotherapists focus mostly on ailments or injuries that limit your physical capabilities.
Depending on what your body requires, you will have a different experience working with a physiotherapist.
The primary objectives of a physiotherapist are to offer assistance, education, and rehabilitation through complete evidence-based physiotherapy treatment and exercises.
Physiotherapists are frequently used by athletes for performance training as well as stress alleviation for their muscles and joints. As a result, physiotherapists are frequently visible at the sidelines of professional sports matches when you watch them on television.
Finding a physiotherapist who can help give the right advice with your issue is vital because many physiotherapists have varying certifications and specialties.
For the majority of people, the ideal option is a physiotherapist who is certified, experienced, has a variety of therapeutic abilities and services, and makes use of new physiotherapy tools and technology.
When ought one seek physiotherapy treatment & exercises?
To Avoid accidents
Physical therapists and athletes frequently get along well, but for the rest of us, seeing one may be unfamiliar ground. Physiotherapists are experts in preventing or treating injuries. To accomplish this, we can modify our posture, form, and movement patterns to lower our chance of being hurt or getting hurt again.
Adults typically consult a physical therapist for rehabilitation from a potential injury. A physiotherapist will assist patients with their pain, recovery, help them build up their strength, and help them understand what behaviours can be modified to reduce the likelihood of further injury.
Keep in mind that a patient frequently cannot compare and align their fitness goals with their capabilities. A physiotherapist can through a tailored and effective physiotherapy treatment plan and providing the right professional advice.
Patients are thoroughly assessed when they visit a physiotherapist for an injury prevention plan, particularly for a sports injury or surgery recovery. The expert will assess your medical background, present circumstance and issues, and long-term objectives.
The next step is typically a physiotherapy evaluation to discover any limitations and gain a better understanding of how your body moves. The physical therapist can provide a clear roadmap and exercises to assist you achieve in both achieving your fitness objectives, rehabbing from injuries, and preventing them recurring after they have made a diagnosis.

Your mobility becomes restricted
The need for a physiotherapy appointment may also be indicated by physical restrictions and issues with flexibility. Your body may be out of alignment or you may be compensating for an injury if you have poor balance.
There may be a balance problem in your body if you frequently trip over or roll your ankle. Additionally, you know that your mobility is limited, which causes your body to move inefficiently. You aren’t even moving correctly and have issues completing day to day physical activities.
This may be the result of recurring injuries or musculoskeletal problems. It’s important to remember that reoccurring injuries don’t always result from a specific physical activity or athletic injury. All the physical activities we’ve engaged in throughout our lives are stored in our bodies for a very long period, and their severity might change over time.
Additionally, we can develop unhealthy habits over time that exacerbate musculoskeletal problems.
Bad posture
There are various reasons why people could have lasting problems that recur from time to time, but posture is a prevalent offender. Perhaps the best approach to prevent these lingering aches and pains is to maintain proper posture.
Throughout the course of your job, you might not give much thought to your posture, but if pain or injuries in your legs, neck, or back start to manifest, your posture could play a significant role. Desk occupations are particularly harmful since they require prolonged sitting, and sadly, the majority of office workers have bad posture.
Poor posture brought on by poorly built chairs is one of the most frequent causes of headaches among office desk workers. In light of this, a physiotherapist may assist you in improving the function of your postural muscles so that you can prevent those irksome postural problems, as well as teach you how to become more conscious of your position and recommend a better work setup through their treatment and services.
Typically, a physiotherapist will show you particular exercises that you may perform to build up your postural muscles and provide you further direction while you heal to resolve your problem.
Complications of diabetes
There is a growing population of people who have diabetes today. In addition to the apparent internal health hazards that diabetes poses, diabetics may frequently contend with physical problems. Not to mention the benefits of regular exercise for treating the condition.
Based on their clinical diagnosis and the results of a thorough examination, physiotherapists can guide diabetic patients through a number of relevant and appropriate exercise programmes to help them manage their disease.
Bad Sleep
If the source of your issue is joint and muscular pain, poor sleep or interrupted sleep are indicators that you need to see a physical therapist. It’s crucial to get as much quality sleep as you can because the long-term health repercussions of consistently getting inadequate sleep can be highly detrimental to us.
Joint pain, especially in the back and hip area, is a common cause of uncomfortable and restless sleep. These can be fixed by physiotherapists, who can also relieve the tension that keeps you awake at night.
Additionally, they might be able to pinpoint where in the body stress spots are located and how certain sleeping positions either exacerbate or relieve them.
Another indication that you should see a physiotherapist is persistent headaches.
Poor posture and muscle stress, especially in the jaw or neck region, can be causes of headaches. Of course, a physiotherapist will suggest seeing a doctor if your headaches are particularly severe.
Instead of continuously taking painkillers to manage headaches, a physiotherapist will be able to run a diagnostic test and confirm whether or not your spinal alignment is a contributing reason to headaches.

If you’re asking yourself when you should go to physiotherapy, please feel free to make an appointment with a physiotherapist from Rosanna Physio now to have one of our highly skilled and experienced physiotherapy professionals work with you towards your desired health goals.
We’re confident we can put you back on the correct path.